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We have prepared this Privacy Notice to explain how, why, and when we collect data from you on our website.

By using, and/or interacting with its advertisements on third-party sites, including applying for a loan, or requesting more information, you may consent to any or all of the following: receive phone calls, emails, recorded phone messages, mailed communication, and text messages, if you have provided a cell phone in the contact information. Regular cell phone charges apply. If you no longer wish to receive communication from our office, you can call us at 954-780-5565. You consent to receive autodialed text messages or prerecorded calls regarding products and services offered by Reach Home Loans LLC to the telephone number provided. You understand that consent to these terms is not a condition of purchase.

You may be asked to voluntarily submit personal information for business purposes. We will only use the information you submit to provide you with services related to the nature of your inquiry.

Your information will never be sold and will not be shared with any third parties without your expressed consent. Our website also uses cookies, tracking pixels, and related technologies. Cookies are small data files that are served by our platform and stored on your device.

Our site uses cookies dropped by us or third parties for a variety of purposes including to operate the website. Also, cookies may also be used to track how you use the site to target ads to you on other websites.

Any cookies served by Google, HotJar, or their affiliates do not contain personal information submitted via our loan application form. We recognize how important your online privacy is to you, so we offer the following options for controlling the targeted ads you receive and how we use your data: You can opt-out of receiving targeted ads served by us:

You can opt out of receiving targeted ads served by us or on our behalf by clicking on the blue icon in the corner of the ads we serve. Please note that, if you delete your cookies or upgrade your browser after having opted out, you will need to opt out again. Further, if you use multiple browsers or devices you will need to execute this opt out on each browser or device. If you opt-out we may collect some data about your online activity for operational purposes (such as fraud prevention) but it won’t be used by us for the purpose of targeting ads to you.

You can opt-out of receiving targeted ads served by us or other advertising companies using the NAI opt out tool here, which will allow you to opt out of seeing targeted ads from us and from other NAI approved companies.

You may opt out of receiving targeted ads from other companies that perform ad targeting services, including some that we may work with as Advertising Partners via the DAA website here.

Please note that when using the ad industry opt-out tools described above: If you opt-out we may still collect some data about your online activity for operational purposes (such as fraud prevention) but it won’t be used by us for the purpose of targeting ads to you.

If you use multiple browsers or devices you may need to execute this opt out on each browser or device. Ad companies’ opt-outs may function differently than our opt-out.

You can opt-out of our tracking of your online activity for targeted advertising purposes (Do Not Track): We respond to “do not track” or “DNT” signals sent from your browser. If the website of one of our Advertisers receives a DNT signal, during that visit, we will not link data we collect to your browser identifier so that new data collected about you will not be used by us for targeted advertising purposes, but older data collected about you may still be used. For information on quotes and other financial info on our website, see the Disclosures page

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